The Big Singlet with Stephen Taberner. Singing workshop. (SOLD OUT)

Stephen Taberner, best known for his leadership of the Spooky Men's Chorale, has 30 years of experience in cultivating ecstatic, grooving, blended sound from mere mortals. He's led singing weekends, choirs and large scale events all over the world. In this workshop, he'll present his own cocktail of funky originals, thinking person's pop/rock, georgian delicacies, and cherrypicked world music bon bons, and use them as a portal into a world where open ears and a goodly collective pulse take us to a place where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. No previous singing experience is needed, just the desire to lend your voice to the greater cause. This will be an experience to leave your feet tapping, your chest zingling, and your heart light. $25, $20 concession.Location
PCYC Hall, 2/34, Paget Street, Hilton, WA, 6163
PCYC Hall, 2/34, Paget Street., Hilton WA 6163