St Anthony's Wanneroo P&F 90's Quiz Night 2024

Our major sponsors are
OSHClub and
Nick Nesbitt at Harcourts
Thank you for buying a ticket to the St Anthony's School Wanneroo P&F's Back to the 90's Quiz Night!
A few quick reminders:
- Doors open at 7:00pm
- Eyes down 7:30pm
- 18+ event with BYO alcohol
- BYO Snacks and nibbles
- For those that pre ordered grazing boxes from Elixir Cafe, they will be on your table by the start of the quiz
- No additional food or drinks are available to be purchased on the night
- Ian from Bamboozled Quizmasters will be our host
- Bring $2 coins to play our fundraising games
- Cash and eftpos available for raffle ticket sales
- 90's attire encouraged!
Parking is available in the church carpark from 6:45pm (when Mass finishes), along Servite Terrace or in the council carpark.
Saturday 10 August 2024 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
St Anthony's Church Parish Hall
15 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo WA 6065
15 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo WA 6065