Primal Patterns of Ancestral Movement

Steeped in our bones is an evolutionary heritage that connects us to all life on Earth. In particular the PRIMAL PATTERNS of our animal ancestors echo in the footsteps of our here and now.The primal patterns of movement that were mastered by the animals in which we are apprenticed include wriggling, crawling, pulling ourselves to our feet and walking upright. By experiencing and inhabiting these evolutionary patterns our sense of connection to our evolutionary past is rekindled, and with it, a clearer, embodied sense of who and how we are now.
In a 3 hour experiential undertaking we will:
• Examine examples of the 4 stages in animals
• Revisit how we learned the stages in our infancy
• Explore each of the stages using Feldenkrais Method® Awareness Through Movement® techniques
• Broaden our movement options in the here and now,
• Re-live the incredible journey that brought us to our feet.
• Ground a theoretical deep time perspective into an experiential present
Yarraville Yoga Centre
36 Ballarat Street, Yarraville VIC 3013