The Dreambody - ProcessWork Psychotherapy Approaches

Join us for this Dreambody - ProcessWork Psychotherapy Approaches workshop - Working deeply with client's dreams, body experiences, trauma/stress and relationships.This informative practical workshop is suitable for both experienced Processwork Psychotherapists and those who are interested in learning about working with dream, body symptoms, trauma/stress and relationships using Processwork psychotherapy approaches.
- Deepen - understanding of Processwork concept "Dreambody" and how to apply it
- Recognise - how dream, our bodies, trauma/stress and relationships reveal our underlying dynamics
- Practice - 2 methods for accessing the wisdom of the Dreambody
- Develop skills and methods for working with yours and clients' dreams, body experiences, trauma/stress and relationships
Presented by Head Trainer Yelena Udy
Attend: Face-to-face or zoom attendance
Cost- $200, special price of $150 for Pathways Alumni and their guests.
Pathways Psychology Institute
6 Belbowrie Close, Galston NSW 2159