Spring Garden Tasks Workshop (CANCELLED)
Come and celebrate the start of Spring with us at a garden tasks workshop. This is the third in the series of workshops we are running focusing on seasonal garden tasks. In this workshop we will discuss the best ways of pruning, fertilising, mulching, weeding and lawn care for this time of year. We will look at methods of growing plants from seed. There will be a focus on which plants are best planted now in the veggie garden, flower and ornamental garden. We will look at what pests and diseases you should be on the look out for. Other topics discussed will preparing your garden for the heat of summer, companion planting, summer flowering bulbs, dahlias and planting suggestions for bee friendly gardens.A welcome morning tea will be served on arrival. The workshop should finish around 1pm and then a light lunch will be served. You are welcome to tour the maze and the gardens surrounding the homestead after lunch. If you have any dietary requirements please contact me directly.
Shearing Shed at Glencara
Glencara, Home to the Rustic Maze , 706 Jerrybang Lane, Monteagle NSW 2594