Melbourne Gang Show is an annual youth musical, put on by the Scouts and Guides of Victoria.
This year the sensational Cast and Crew present an original two-act show
Special Events
Free Pre-show Introduction to Theatre - Prior to each matinee performance
We invite youth members to enjoy a 20-minute behind-the-scenes sneak peek before each matinee performance. This preview demonstrates how the magic of theatre works and fulfills part of the Arts and Literature Special Interest Area badge requirements. The experience begins at 1:15pm.
Rover Night - Saturday 28 June
$35.00 covers the show and entry to one of the biggest parties of the year, with band and food included. Drinks at bar prices.
Past Gang Members Night - Thursday 3 July
Wear your Red Scarf when you see the show this year! Catch up with your friends from the Gang of years gone by.
Join us for a special supper in the foyer after the show.
Venturer Night - Friday 4 July
$30.00 covers the show, followed by a huge Venturer party at a venue nearby, with DJ and supper. Huge! Don’t you be the one to miss out!
Besen Centre
87-89 Station Street
Burwood, Vic 3125
(03) 9969 7700