Alison Clarke-Daly - IntoFreedom - as authorised by Dr Mikio Sankey
Live, online, interactive and experiential inner plane work. Weekly for seven weeks
The multiverse containing our Universe is extremely vast and seemingly endless. A Fully Awakened Mind is extremely vast and seemingly endless. One is contained Within the Other.
Thank you, COVID-19, for creating this online opportunity. Working online is proving to be a gift of Expansion.
Our two-hour weekly class is comprehensive and captivating and offers a greater freedom of personal connection than an in-person classroom. We work in the fields beyond time and space.
Wednesday 9 AM - 11 AM AEDT Australia Melbourne Jan 15th - Feb 26 2025. Note Wednesday in Australia is Tuesday in the USA
Earlybird AU$1289 (closes Jan 5th )
Deposit AU$489 and secure your place.
Review & Renew AU$589
All applicants will be interviewed, and your deposit will be refunded in full if the workshop is inappropriate for you.
ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE is a contemporary approach that emphasises wellness and facilitates psycho-spiritual development. Principles of sacred geometry have been integrated with TCM, creating specific New Encoding Patterns through the spiritual gateways of acupuncture points. These points open Shen pathways in the Heart and align the harmonic frequencies of meridians and esoteric energy systems to initiate healing on all levels. Lectures include criteria for selecting acupuncture points according to psycho-emotional symptoms, underlying Shen disturbance, and the principles of Shen balance. Dr Mikio Sankey
Energy Healers from many modalities integrate this spiritual practice with or without being skilled in Acupuncture.
You will receive via mail:
- An extensive workbook of New Encoding Patterns & Diagrams
- Visualisation sequence for each new Encoding Pattern
- Esoteric Anatomical Points and Location
- Pendulum - Golden Mica
- A printed copy of 'How to Build an Antahkarana Your Inner Spiritual Antenna.'
- Audio Link supporting the building of an Antakarana in Meditation
- Certification of Completion and Competency
- CPD certificates
Where the value is:
- Personal participation Interview
- Seven weeks of intensive and supported Inner Plane Work
- 14 CPAs NCCAOM PDA Provider Intofreedom 9254 1-7
- 14 CEUs ATMS
- Certificated Attendance & Study(30hrs) for CPDs of other Authorities
- Payment plan on request
- Invitation to a Student Study Group
- How to introduce Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing to your clientele
- How and where appropriate to Integrate
- Feedback on all homework
- The guarantee
Recommended Reading
- ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE Vol 1 (revised 2021) Gateway to Expanded Healing & Vl Celestial Fullness, Wind Mansion Vol 8 and any other volume of ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE by Dr Mikio Sankey.
- We have stock in Australia for locals. In the US? contact Sankey
- EBook 'How to build your Antahkarana Your Inner Spiritual Antenna' Alison Clarke-Daly
- Practice Antahkarana meditation.
Do you have a question?
A question on any aspect of this workshop? Be that the request for an interview, your qualification to attend, prerequisite reading, books and tools, CPDs, deposits, or payment plan requirements. E: alison@intofreedom.com.au
I one hundred per cent guarantee that you will remember your Spirit Path in attending this workshop. Your skill in expanding the gateways of healing clarified, refined, and your vibration lightened. You will have the ability to know when appropriate to share Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing with your clientele. If you have not had an enlightening experience upon completing the workshop, please tell me, and I will refund your workshop fee in full.
Alison Clarke-Daly