Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering

Tejiendo rebeldias - Weaving rebellionsLatin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond
Join us for one night and two days of panel discussions, and workshops sharing experiences of fighting capitalism, patriarchy, and ecocide, and working together for change.
This gathering is an invitation to respond to the perpetuated exploitation and violation carried out by the colonial patriarchal capitalist system which consumes and exhausts nature and its people at all costs.
By creating space for discussions, together we put our ideas into practice towards solutions that counter the exploitation of humanity and the natural world perpetrated by transnational corporations.
Purchase your tickets for the whole conference or individual days. Sliding scale ticket prices - No one turned away. Revenue of ticket sales will go to cover conference costs and support LASNET projects, including Mapuche, MST Via Campesina, and Mexico solidarity as well as the 'No Multinationals' campaign.
Institute of Post Colonial Studies (IPCS)
78-80 Curzon St, North Melbourne Victoria 3051