Sleep with the Bushrangers at the haunted Hume Homestead (SOLD OUT)
For the first time Byramine Homestead and Brewery is offering Paranormal Investigations and/or sleepover of it's historic building. Join Kyneton Paranormal as we exlore this National Trust venue with psychic medium. Built in 1842 by the famous explorer Hamilton Hume for his sister-in-law, Elizabeth Hume and her nine children after her husband was murdered by Bushrangers, in Gunning NSW.The Homestead was classified by the National Trust because of its unique design, featuring octagonal rooms. The central room, known as the fortress room allowed a clear view from all angles in case of attack from bushrangers or natives. But the homestead has a history of grief, loss and heartache. Begin your evening in the Byramine Brewery with a glass of wine, cider or boutique beer over antipasto platters then join us over a professional investigation where we attempt to connect with the Byramine spirits. You can stay overnight in one of the 7 haunted rooms. BYO swag! Breakfast at 8am.
Byramine Homestead
1436 Murray Valley Hwy, Yarrawonga Vic 3730