THE SORCERER by Gilbert and Sullivan

'The Sorcerer' is the tale of how with the best of intentions Alexis, an English aristocrat in the village of Ploverleigh, through the use of a love potion from an old firm of London magicians, J. Wells & Co., Family Sorcerers, gets all sorts of unlikely people to fall madly in love with one another.Unfortunately for Alexis, this includes his fiancée, Aline, who falls for the elderly vicar Dr. Daly. Chaos ensues in the village, and after many typical Gilbert and Sullivan style comic twists and turns all is eventually happily resolved.
Well … almost !
Directed by Bronwyn Calvett, with MD John Wilson, this #SALightOpera production is sure to delight with the musical merriment and flibberty gibberty we all love from Gilbert and Sullivan.
‘The Sorcerer’ introduced such well known G&S trademarks as the comic duet, the patter song, the contrapuntal double chorus, the tenor and soprano love duet and the soprano showpiece aria that we see in other shows to follow. Enjoy!
Domain Theatre
Marion Cultural Centre, 297 Diagonal Road, Oaklands Park SA 5046