Sydney Large Group --ONLINE -- 18th to 20th October 2024

The freedom to speak and the freedom not to speak can either encourage or inhibit dialogue. Encountering our own capacity to voice our thoughts can be a bridge to relating to others in a social setting, to experientially learning and discovering what is on our minds.We invite you to the Online Sydney Large Group, which has continued meeting for 10 years. It now has an international membership as well as people from Australia. This 'temporary society' will next meet on 18 to 20 October 2024 and 4 to 6 April 2025.
As each event is experiential, attendance at all 5 sessions each weekend is encouraged.
The zoom room details will be emailed to you near the time of the first group
Next Sydney Large Group 2024
18 October - 5pm Sydney; 7 am London – 1 x 90 minutes session
19 October - 5pm Sydney; 7 am London – 2 x 90 minutes sessions with 30 minute break in between.
20 October - 5pm Sydney; 7 am London – 2 x 90 minutes sessions with 30 minute break in between.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser