PREPARED: CatholicPsych Mental Health Response Training

Join Dr. Greg Bottaro, founder of the CatholicPsych Institute, for an exclusive training event in Canberra, featuring content from the new PREPARED Workshop: event is designed for educators, campus ministers, parish and diocesan staff, parents, and priests, addressing the urgent mental health crisis in our communities. Participants will learn to identify and address mental distress through a Catholic lens, gaining essential skills in accompaniment and a crash course in Catholic Anthropology. The workshop provides practical tools to help confidently connect with, assess, and respond to distress until professional help is available. Explore the profound impact of human relationships on mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and leave empowered to navigate these challenges with clarity and compassion.
Ticket price: $33 per person, $25 for students.
Collins Wing, St Benedict's Parish Parish
Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave &Tallara Parkway, Narrabundah ACT 2604