Beginners Guide to iNaturalist

This event is run by the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club as preparation for the Great Southern Bioblitz 2024 (20-23 September)The 2-hour session is an introduction to the iNaturalist citizen science system. You will learn what iNaturalist is, how to manage your account, load observations and identify the subject in observations that others have loaded.
This session does not require prior knowledge of iNaturalist although familiarity with using a laptop computer is desirable.
You should bring your own laptop or similar and be able to connect directly to the internet via your phone hotspot or similar so that you can practice what is being discussed. You should also have on your computer one or two photos of plants or animals in our local environment to load onto iNaturalist. If you have a smart phone you might also like to load the free iNaturalist App before our session.
Castlemaine Senior Citizens Centre
Mechanics Lane, Castlemaine Vic 3450