Welcome to the tour of the historic precinct of the Maydale Reserve at the Horsham Showgrounds. This land was gifted to the Horsham Agricultural Society in 1915 and it is ours to maintain and care for. The grounds comprise seven hectares overlooking the Wimmera River.Ample free parking is available onsite at the Maydale Pavilion, which is the meeting place.
Morning tours (10am start) will begin in the Maydale Pavilion finishing with a Devonshire Tea in The Poultry Shed.
Afternoon tours (2pm start) will begin with a Devonshire Tea in The Poultry Shed before making our way around the grounds.
Tours take approximately one hour. Allow two hours for the tour and 'tucker'! Consideration is made for those who walk with aids. Gophers may not be able to access the social garden but wheelchairs have better accessibility. Roads are hard gravel. There will be some uneven surfaces. We have new toilets including one for people with disability, with the rail on the left-h side.
Maydale Pavilion
22 McBryde Street, Maydale Reserve, Horsham Showgrounds, Horsham Victoria 3400