Being Human LIVE with Dr. Greg Bottaro. Canberra, Australia

Join the audience in person as Dr Greg Bottaro goes LIVE to the world from Canberra with his popular Being Human Podcast. This will be an opportunity to connect with Dr Greg for an inspiring discussion on integrating faith, science, and reason in psychology and mental health.Dr. Greg is a Catholic psychologist, founder of the CatholicPsych Institute in New Work, and creator of the CatholicPsych Model of Applied Personalism (CPMAP). He combines Catholic philosophy and theology with relevant psychology to help develop a Catholic standard for mental health.
In the Being Human Podcast Dr Greg shares his vision for Catholic therapy and a revolutionary approach that is focussed on what it means to be human.
There will also be the opportunity to learn more about CPMAP and purchase Dr Greg's book, The Mindful Catholic.
Registration $20 and canapés and drinks will be provided.
Parish of the Transfiguration, Parish Centre
3 Strangeways Street, Curtin ACT 2605