Fantasy Course - CTP Education

Create a complete premise for a thrilling and original fantasy novel, including themes, worldbuilding, character, plot, and more. We will use examples from Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Harry Potter, and other fantasy worlds to inspire us and gain insight into the authors of the best works of fantasy. Each week we will cover one element (such as plot, themes, etc.) of what goes into creating a fantasy novel, filling out a template so students have a developed and fully-formed idea for a fantasy novel by the end of the course. Students are able to receive feedback throughout the course as well.When: Wednesdays 11 am – 12:00 pm from 16 October to 4 December. (total 8 weeks)
Price: $85 (includes a template for a fantasy novel plan and weekly individualised feedback).
Who: Any student who loves fantasy. Recommended 12+ but get in touch if a younger student is interested.
Required texts: None. Knowledge of classic fantasy texts useful but not required.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser