Classic Poetry Course - CTP Education

Rhyming, rhythm, and romanticism. This course will cover all the classics needed to be an aficionado of poetry. Each week will cover a different poet, analysing their most well-known poetry. Option of weekly writing prompts + individualised feedback available for students to develop their own poetry-writing skills. We will cover William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Robert Frost, considering various genres as well as the importance of poetry in the modern world.When: Mondays 11 am – 12:00 pm starting on 14 October and finishing on 2 December. (total 8 weeks)
Price: $70 for classes. $85 for classes + weekly writing prompts and individualised feedback.
Who: Recommended 12+ but get in touch if a younger student is interested.
Required texts: None. Poetry covered is all available online and will be provided before each class.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser