Writing Workshop - CTP Education

Improve writing skills, learn how to provide feedback, and collaborate with classmates. This course will provide weekly writing prompts that students complete during the week, and then during class time the class will collectively provide feedback. This provides students with the opportunity to learn how to improve their writing through a critical lens, equipping them with valuable skills for the future. Each session will involve a short writing prompt in class, and then going through approx. 3 of the students' writing completed over the week, taking it in turns. Students will be expected to provide feedback during class. Writing prompts will cover a variety of styles and topics, both creative and analytical.When: Tuesdays 10 am – 11:00 am starting on 15 October and finishing on 3 December. (total 8 weeks)
Price: $70 for classes. $85 for extra feedback provided by Erin every week.
Who: Recommended 12+ but get in touch if a younger student is interested.
Required texts: None.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser