ACLCA VICTORIA - Monthly Member Presentation - October 2024
RESEARCH PROJECT UPDATE & NET-WORKINGThis event is an opportunity to hear results from the latest research projects that ACLCA is supporting and discuss ideas for future research and collaboration, with guests from research/industry/government.
We will hear from Monica Esmond on how her PhD study is tracking: 'Using eDNA to understand ecosystem diversity and ground-surface water connectivity in areas of Coal Seam Gas development.'
Please join us IN PERSON at Arup for networking, drinks and nibbles 5:30-6pm and presentation 6-7pm.
Up to 1 CPD point (CEnvP) may be earned by attending this event. Please head to our ACLCA Victoria CPD Training page under Resources to learn more about CPD training in Victoria.
Sky Park, One Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street , Docklands Vic 3008