Corporare—Evan Task in Outer Space
Corporare—Evan Task in Outer Space presents a child, his rocket and his sociopathic fantasies. All alone, inviting the stars into the North Melbourne Small Hall, I was not a single entity—could I be granular? Could I engineer a ‘long-term consciousness’? An entrepreneur takes no blame for the crime. Desperately I tried to disappear behind my ‘corporate veil’. Space though, has become the storied frontier of delusions. It is a silent and cold vacuum where the loudest must finally listen. It is the medium in which my body forms: corporare! Where it is caught, tried and punished most horribly. Where my skin lets in the writhing art-worms of Mars. Come witness the final reckoning. Come—formare corpus.-8pm start… lockout—please don't knock on the door… Evan Task will hear you 😬
-Duration: 60 minutes
-Transport: trams 57 stop 9; 58 tram: stop 11. Parking out front. Cycles welcome.
-Special access needs? Please be in touch.
Small Hall
430 Queensberry St, North Melbourne Victoria 3051