Galup VR Experience

Image: Galup featuring Ian Wilkes. Photography by Dan Grant, courtesy of Same Drum (commissioned by IAS)
In the heart of suburban Perth there’s a lake with a buried history. Whadjuk Noongar Elder Doolann-Leisha Eatts spent her life sharing the story of what really happened there. Galup VR Experience invites you to sit with Doolann by her fire and hear the truth for yourself. Highlighting the ongoing impact of colonisation, this intimate truth-telling experience brings people together for connection and healing and will resonate with you long after you leave.Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audience members are advised that this production includes names, images and voices of people who have passed away. Names, images and voices are used with permission.
Galup VR Experience tours regional WA in 2024-25 with ART ON THE MOVE and Same Drum, made possible through the Regional Exhibition Touring Boost with funding managed by Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Recommended for ages 13+
Arts Narrogin
Corner of Park & Fairway Street, Narrogin WA 6312