Aged Care Training | Serious Incident Response Refresher
Date: Wednesday 13 November 2024
Session 1: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM AEDT
Session 2: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM AEDT
Who should attend: This online training is relevant to managers and staff, both clinical and personal carers and anyone else with responsibility for reporting SIRS incidents.
The Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) commenced in 2021 and significantly changed the regulatory landscape for approved providers. More than 3 years later, we continue to see aged care workers grapple with the legal definitions and when they are required to notify the Commission of an incident. The SIRS regime is set to continue under New Aged Care Act. The SIRS will likely continue to be scrutinised by the Commission and other regulatory bodies under the New Aged Care Act. For example, SIRS incidents may be treated as breaches of the proposed new ‘statutory duties’. This training is meant as a refresher for your staff to ensure they understand their obligations.
Topics covered will include:
The legal definitions of the reportable incidents including examples of each;
Notification requirements for the reportable incidents;
Consequences of breaching your obligations under SIRS; and
Other requirements for your incident management systems.
The session will be presented by Anita Courtney and Johanna Heaven who both regularly assist aged care providers.
Opportunity to submit your questions - Q&A
To make the session as interactive as possible, you have the opportunity to submit questions before the training. Please submit any questions to events@rk.com.au.
Your Russell Kennedy Presenters:
Anita Courtney, Principal in Russell Kennedy’s Aged Care team will facilitate and deliver the training. Anita is a leading lawyer in aged care who focuses on delivering quality and practical advice to her clients. She assists aged care providers in both home care and residential care to comply with their responsibilities under the Aged Care Act 1997 and its Principles including the Aged Care Quality Standards as well as other relevant laws.
Johanna Heaven, Associate in the Russell Kennedy Aged Care team will also present in the training. Johanna practices in the areas of administrative law, litigation, regulatory compliance and risk management, with a focus on health, government and aged care.
Online Training Details
We are utilising Zoom to run this webinar. Zoom is free to download and can be viewed from your PC/mobile device.
The Zoom link to log into the live training will be sent to registered attendees before the scheduled start time.
DATE: Wednesday 13 November 2024
SESSION 1: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM AEDT
SESSION 2: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM AEDT
PRICE: $120 per person (Incl. GST)