RSCM Spring Festival 2024 - Fauré Requiem

Online bookings for this event will closes at noon on Friday 18th October. If seeking to book after this time, you will be able to pay at the door.The Annual RSCM Spring Festival - Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the death of Gabriel Fauré.
Come & Sing his glorious Requiem under the baton of Alex Roose, with organist Andrew Georg (St Peter's Cathedral) and a chamber orchestra.
The day also includes a workshop on performing the Psalms of Ascent, with Rev. Dr. Melinda Cousins.
We will be using the brand new RSCM edition of the Requiem, kindly lent by St Peter's Cathedral Choir - scores will be provided.
Lunch and morning and afternoon tea will be provided.
RSCM SA members $30 (including for members of RSCM member choirs)
Non-members $50
Schedule for the day:
10:00 Registration & Morning Rehearsal
1:30 Lunch (provided)
2:30 Workshop: Performing the Psalms of Ascent – Rev Dr Melinda Cousins
5:30 Revision & Sing-through Requiem
7:00 Spring Festival Service
St Theodore's Anglican Church
46 Prescott Terrace, Toorak Gardens SA 5065