Upper Limb Spasticity Management For Community Therapists
Build confidence, assessment skills and treatment planning understandingregarding upper limb spasticity management for community therapists. Join a
group of experts from the medical, allied health and university sector to explore
how generalist community therapists can confidently work in this clinical space.
-Bring spasticity management experts together to share knowledge and build confidence in community
therapists who are the initial points of contact with clients in the community.
-Empower community clinicians to complete an upper limb spasticity assessment and develop a treatment
plan that includes easily accessible and practical treatment options in the community space.
-Help community therapists to know when and how to seek expert assistance to manage a
client with spasticity - build networks & establish connections to aid quality care now and into
the future.
John Flynn Hospital - Auditorium Level 1
42 Inland Dr, Tugun QLD 4224
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