A Season of Powerful Wolves plays Week 2&3 My Brother (CANCELLED)

The Wolves are taking over the Alex studio for a month to present 2 of our most powerful plays. Leave your preconceptions at home and come expecting to be profoundly moved. This play is unique in that it aims to remind us of the beauty of masculinity.Three young men wake up on a small disabled fishing boat that is drifting further and further out to sea. Their phones are missing, the radio Is broken, and they cannot see land nor any search planes or boats. It appears they have been drugged.
Initially the play appears to be a simple survival story, but as time passes it lifts a mirror up and asks us one question: If we also treat, or do nothing to stop how the state treats our young men, (as if they should be ashamed of their very existence) what do we think will happen to their souls?
“Was amazing. Totally moved. Incredible writing. Incredible performances. Nice to be thinking and feeling in the theatre again”.
Amanda Musicka
The Alex Theatre STK
Level 1, 135 Fitzroy St, St Kilda Victoria 3182