Zooma Zooma! Julian Ferraretto plays Louis Prima @ Queen St
Join Anthony Leppa, Kylie Ferreira and the incredibly talented Julian Ferraretto as they pay tribute to the legendary Louis Prima, whose infectious fusion of jazz, swing, and Italian folk made him a true musical icon.
Zooma Zooma is a wildly entertaining ensemble dedicated to bringing the music of Italian-American jazz singer and Las Vegas legend Louis Prima to life. Known for blending irreverent fun with top-tier musicianship, Prima's spirit shines through in every performance by Zooma Zooma, delivering the same energy and joy that made him a beloved figure in jazz history. Book Now
The Adelaide Jazz Club presents Queen St Jazz Festival back in 2024, from 8-10 November live at the beautifully renovated St Barnabas Church in Croydon, and you won't want to miss a beat. More info adelaidejazzclub.com
St Baranabas Church
Cnr William and Elizabeth St, Croydon SA 5008