Orah Gatherings

Join your sisters for an empowering evening in the sukkah, where we'll share inspiring discussions related to the festival of Sukkot, engage in the special mitzvah of shaking the lulav and etrog, and enjoy meaningful conversations over a delicious light supper.All women over the age of 18 in our community are warmly invited to attend this uplifting gathering. Come on your own, or bring along your mother, sister, daughter, aunt or friend.
Orah Gatherings are designed to unite and inspire Jewish women of Sydney to thrive - connected to their rich Jewish heritage, Jewish values, and each other. Don't miss this beautiful opportunity to celebrate together in the spirit of Sukkot.
We look forward to seeing you in the sukkah.
Chanie, Sue, Julie, Shlomit and Devorah
The Central Synagogue
15 Bon Accord Ave, Bondi Junction NSW 2022