Trans Cape SwimRun 8 March 2025

Before you enter, there are few things you need to know:
You will be entering and paying as a team (i.e. for two people) and you need to have details for both members before you start: name, date of birth, address, email, phone, AusTriathlon membership details (if any), allergies, medical conditions, emergency details, burger type and whether you'd like an event towel or to make a donation to the Friends of Meelup Regional Park.
Note: Race Pack collection for Perth Metropolitan entrants will be on Tue 4th March and for South West participants on Fri 7th March 2025.
You will be entering and paying as a team (i.e. for two people) and you need to have details for both members before you start: name, date of birth, address, email, phone, AusTriathlon membership details (if any), allergies, medical conditions, emergency details, burger type and whether you'd like an event towel or to make a donation to the Friends of Meelup Regional Park.
Note: Race Pack collection for Perth Metropolitan entrants will be on Tue 4th March and for South West participants on Fri 7th March 2025.
Cape Naturlaliste Lighthouse
1267 Cape Naturaliste Road, Naturaliste WA 6281
Contact Details