Harbord Kids Disco '24

A fun filled hour of disco tunes and flashing lights. PARTY ON HARBORD KIDS!Please only book your child into their year's session, with their class mates. You may need to book different sessions for siblings. K&1, 2&3, 4,5 & 6.
Please check your child's class is correct and do not book the wrong time slot.
A small party snack will be served. Please be sure to bring your own water bottle and take it away at the end!
Specific Parent volunteers will be in charge, thank you to those who made this event possible for the children.
Please be sure to refer to our website for more detailed information - all the answers to your questions will be on this webpage! https://bit.ly/KidsDisco24. Dress code, oosh procedure, times dates, sign in/out etc
The school staff have not organised this event.
Due to H&S, insurance & admin reasons, you cannot turn up on the night and gain entry unless you registered for a ticket.
Thank you for your understanding.
P&C volunteer org committee
HPS School Hall