The Writer's Way 2025
Attaining the tools and processes used by successful authors, weekly classes inspire your personal journey towards creative development and recovery. Working in a supportive, nurturing environment, you will dissolve barriers preventing creative expression, rediscover the value of your writing talent, and learn that it’s never too late to start fulfilling your dreams.Classes will deliver:
1. Understanding of what it means to be a writer;
2. Use of techniques to free yourself from inhibition and creative stiltedness;
3. Discovery of what makes your creativity unique;
4. Development of your writing abilities; and
5. Guidance along your inner journey from multi-award winning author and mentor A. R. Levett.
The course is an ongoing, 13-week commitment for new, emerging, and experienced writers to develop their creative selves. Payment options are available.
More information on the course is available here:
Goldfields Room
1st Floor, State Library of WA, Perth Cultral Centre WA 6003