IWC Healing & Transformation Weekend Workshop
Heal, transform, open, release, let go and connect.
The Deep Expansive Healing & Transformation Retreat: Healing Your Hurts, Living Your Essence, Following Your Bliss
This is your invitation to spend a weekend in nature to heal and transform in the safety of a supportive healing community.
From 7pm Friday 21st February to 4pm Sunday 23rd February 2025
Yarra Valley, VIC (details sent on booking)
Investment range: $350 to $220 (sliding scale based on individual means).
Includes morning and afternoon teas, lunches, dinner, tea & coffee, materials, facilitation, experiences and processes. Please contact us if you are experiencing financial hardship or would like to financially support a scholarship.
Contact Details:
Phoenix Arrien: Tel. 0407 650 026