Natural Health - Susan Marshall - BORONIA - Good Oil Club

Two Classes.
Frid 14th 7 - 8.30 PM HORMONES & WELLBEING Male and Female $20
Sat 15th 3.30 - 5.30 EMOTIONAL CLEARING for DOGS $25
Each class is experiential, and there is plenty of time to experience the how-to and why. Learning how to take care of ourselves.
BOOK a ONE-ON-ONE consultation. With or without an animal. There are times on Friday and Saturday.
Phone Alison 0422 845105 and she will make it happen if possible.
Frid 14th 7 - 8.30 PM HORMONES & WELLBEING Male and Female $20
Sat 15th 3.30 - 5.30 EMOTIONAL CLEARING for DOGS $25
Each class is experiential, and there is plenty of time to experience the how-to and why. Learning how to take care of ourselves.
BOOK a ONE-ON-ONE consultation. With or without an animal. There are times on Friday and Saturday.
Phone Alison 0422 845105 and she will make it happen if possible.
12 Ronald Crescent, Boronia Victoria 3155
Contact Details