Full Moon Kundalini Yoga Class

Full Moon Kundalini Yoga class with Jai Ram KaurFriday 15th November 6.30 to 8pm
North Fremantle Community Centre
The resonance of this day, the eve of the full moon, speaks strongly of themes associated with the number 6.
The 6th body is the arcline, which when strong and clear gives us presence and intuition.
6 is also about fear and faith; clarity or confusion; conflict and confrontation.
There's a saying in Kundalini Yoga - Life without crisis exists in a coffin, meaning crisis is part of life.
Also, each of us has our own battleground, upon which we can learn to master the art of the good and clean fight that brings elevation to all.
So this full flower moon I invite you to engage with these themes and work on uplifting this aspect of your experience with teachings, Kundalini Yoga and meditation. All welcome!
WHEN: Friday 15th Nov 6.30 to 8pm
WHERE: Nth Freo Community Centre, 2 Thompson Rd Nth Freo
BRING: yoga mat, blanket and water.
COST: $30
North Fremantle Community Hall
2 Thompson Rd, North Fremantle Western Australia 6159