North Sydney | Kirribilli | Lavender Bay
Under the care of the Jesuits since 1878
Registration must be accompanied by a scanned copy of your child's Baptism Certificate to Claire clairel@northsydneycatholics.com. Please note: If the candidate was baptised at the Parish of Our Lady of the Way there is no need to submit a copy of the certificate.
The cost of the program is $100.00 per candidate. Please note: When completing the try booking form, the ' ticket ' relates to the registration of the candidate. Each candidate requires a separate registration.
All parents are requested to attend an Information Session in the Ron Dyer Centre, adjacent to St Mary’s Church on February 26 or 6 March @ 6:00pm. Children are not expected at this session. The program, and how it will be run, will be explained at this meeting, and not repeated, so attendance is very important.
It will be followed by a few words from Fr Richard Leonard SJ, PP about the relevance of these sacraments in our lives.