WAEDOCS Introduction to Evidence Based Management of Eating Disorders in Youth (>16 years) & Adults for Dietitians Workshop Series (Non NEDC/ANZAED Accredited)
This workshop aligns to the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders (ANZAED) dietetic practice guidelines however has not been approved by the National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) as accredited training. Completion of this workshop cannot be used as evidence of having attended accredited training for dietitians wanting to apply for the ANZAED CEDC Credential.
This workshop will run over two full days. It is understood that by registering for this event, you are able to fully commit to attending both days and completing a series of self-paced modules (details will be sent via email once workshop registrations have closed). To ensure information presented in this workshop remains current and to minimise unauthorised distribution of the workshop, the sessions will be presented live and will not be recorded.
A minimum number of dietitians need to register for this workshop to be run. If the workshop DOESN'T reach the minimum number of attendees needed to run, you will be notified 2 weeks prior to the workshop scheduled date (once registrations have closed) that the workshop is cancelled. If you have paid for this workshop, you will receive a refund for the workshop fee only (i.e. $180.00). Try Booking will charge a small administrative fee which the attendee will bare the cost for. Thanks for your understanding with this.
For those registrering to attend this workshop in-person, please note pending sufficient registration numbers, we may need to move your attendance to online. If this is the case, we will let you know once registrations for the workshop have closed. We appreciate your understanding with this.
You will receive information about the workshop directly after booking and 2 weeks prior to the workshop including further information about the self-paced modules and the MS Teams link to connect (if this is your choosen way to attend this workshop). Please ensure that the email address you use to register for this workshop is current and is checked regularly.
Time & Date
Tuesday 2nd AND Thursday 4th September 2025
09:00AM - 04:00PM (WA) - venue opens from 08:30AM | virtual room opens from 08:45AM
10:30AM - 05:30PM (SA | NT) - virtaul room opens 10:15AM
11:00AM - 06:00PM (QLD | VIC | ACT | NSW | TAS) - virtual room opens 10.45am
Online - via MS Teams (link will be emailed 1 week prior to workshop) OR
In-Person - 516 Hay Street, Subiaco, WA (strictly limited places available)
WA Dietitian - FREE
Outside WA Dietitian - $180.00 (includes GST) + Trybooking Registration Fee
Tuesday 19th August 2025 at 5pm
Should you have any enquiries, please contact us on 1300 620 208 (within WA only) or (08) 6458 3130 (outside WA) Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm or via email at waedocs.education@health.wa.gov.au