RA Sigs ACT Centenary Garden Party

The Royal Australia Corps of Signals is celebrating 100 years 1925 - 2025.The RA Sigs Association ACT and the Certa Cito Foundation invites you to the ACT Centenary Launch Garden Party on Friday 14 February 2025 from 1600h on the lawns of Duntroon House.
All ranks encouraged to attend and please bring your family and friends. Join us to celebrate with the RMC Band, limited food and drinks provided.
$20/head booking fee, children under 16 free.
Dress: Collared shirt, slacks, skirts or tailored shorts, clean neat denim, enclosed shoes. Medals not required.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Duntroon House (Officer's Mess Dining room in event of wet weather)
Royal Military College, Campbell ACT 2612