'Spiritual side of Acupuncture'
Presented by Alison Clarke-Daly as authorised by Dr Mikio Sankey
Wednesday 9 AM - 11 AM (AEST Australia Melbourne) begins August 6th for seven consecutive weeks
Please be aware that AEST Melbourne 9 AM - 11 AM Wednesday - IS TUESDAY PM/EVE in the USA
EARLYBIRD closes 1 AUG AU$1289
Revisit - Renew AU$589
Click BOOK NOW; a deposit of AU$489 will secure your place
All applicants will be interviewed, and your deposit will be refunded if this workshop is inappropriate for you.
ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE is a contemporary approach that emphasises wellness and facilitates psycho-spiritual development. Principles of sacred geometry are integrated with TCM, creating specific New Encoding Patterns through the spiritual gateways of acupuncture points. The points open Shen pathways in the Heart and align the harmonic frequencies of meridians and esoteric energy systems to initiate healing on all levels. Lectures include criteria for selecting acupuncture points according to psycho-emotional symptoms, underlying Shen disturbance, and the principles of Shen balance.
Expand what your Knowing and how to integrate this. Working online allows experiential learning—your own healing. Simplifying, confirming, clarifying, and expanding consciousness, hyperspatial awareness via a deep immersion of INNER PLANE WORK a joy.
- Where to now in your practice and your Spirit Path
- Wind Mansion Vol 8
- Sacred geometry, Heart Windows, Fields, Windows of the Sky points, sequence, intention, attention and visualisation.
- New Encoding Patterns as described in ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE Vol l - V8 as relevant to Tiers of Density 1 - 5
- Patterns of Hun Follows Shen & Tree of Life as so much more.
- Esoteric Numbers
What you receive via post:
- An extensive workbook of New Encoding Pattern Diagrams and Visualisations
- How to Build an Antahkarana Your Inner Spiritual Antenna
- Certification of Completion and Competency
Where the value is:
- Seven weeks of intensive and supported Inner Plane Work
- 14 pts CPD AACMA
NCCAOM CD 14pts (Provider 9254 8 -14)
- 30hrs Certificate of Study. Ideal for CPDs for other Modalities
- Payment plan on request
- Student group connection and support
- How to introduce and integrate Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing into your practice
- Personal attention to homework reports
Recommended Reading
ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE Vl Celestial Fullness and Wind Mansion Vol8, any other volume of ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE by Dr Mikio Sankey.
- Request the Download details for a FREE eBook, 'How to build your Antahkarana, your Inner Spiritual Antenna.'
- Practice Antahkarana meditation.
' 100% guarantee you will reinforce your Internal Light by attending this workshop. Your vibration will be higher, your skill in multiple modality integration will be clarified, and your ability to share with your loved ones and clientele will be. If you have not had an enlightening experience upon completing the workshop, please tell me, and I will refund your workshop fee.' Alison Clarke-Daly