Join bestselling author Roy Maloy for the launch of his newest book - “The Crutchie Push”.Between 1893 - 1905 a new wave of street violence hit Melbourne Australia, dealing out brutal violence toward other push gangs and passersby alike, and a new era of menace was born as the Push Gangs emerged making the Crutchie Push most notorious, blood thirsty and terrorising of all push gangs. Made up of a core group of young men, the group had a peculiar difference - a number of its key members were leg and arm amputees. Known as the 'Crutchies' for the fact that they used crutches to aid their mobility, while missing half or whole of a leg, the group also made the unique transition to also utilising their crutches as weapons.
The Biography of the Crutchie Push follows the formation of the gang, their key members, the reputation and their demise.
Join author Roy Maloy for a riveting live presentation and performance as he presents The Crutchie Push. Dinner and bar available at the venue.
The Leveson
46 Leveson Street, North Melbourne Vic 3051