Loft Clearance

What do we keep? What do we let go?
Join Eileen as she rummages through one hundred years worth of possessions that have accumulated in her loft. It's like finding an old diary but in physical form. Collections, hoardings and family traits abound. What will she cling on to? What will she let go? But where will these pieces of her go to? Enjoy 60 minutes of light-hearted despair as the clearance unfolds.
You can book to enjoy the club barbecue before the show from 5.30pm. It costs between $5 to $15 depending on your choice. Please email no later than Wednesday cob before the show and mention if you would prefer fish or steak rather than a hamburger and sausages.
Please also join us the week after for Loft Luggage tickets available from trybooking:
Fremantle Park Club
36 Ellen Street, Fremantle WA 6160