Loft Luggage

Eileen has cleared her loft. She wonders what to do with her remaining six boxes, each containing artefacts and memories from different phases in her life. Having recently retired, Eileen is sitting in the waiting room of a railway station, waiting for a train to an unknown destination. She knows she can only carry one box with her. Which will she take? Where will she go? Join Eileen in this stand alone show as she explores life after work and what she values most.
You can book to enjoy the club barbecue before the show from 5.30pm. It costs between $5 to $15 depending on your choice. Please email no later than Wednesday cob before the show and mention if you would prefer fish or steak rather than a hamburger and sausages.
Please also join us the week prior for Loft Clearance tickets available from trybooking:
Fremantle Park Club
36 Ellen Street, Fremantle WA 6160