2025 Children's Reconciliation Program (SOLD OUT)

Please enrol here to join the 2025 First Reconciliation Preparation Program
and to select the celebration time you would like your child to receive the
Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.
First Reconciliation will be celebrated on Tuesday 1st or
Thursday 3rd April at either 4:30pm or 6:00pm.
Children are eligible to enrol in this program if they are 8 years of age or older
and have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.
If you have any queries about the Children's Reconciliation Program
or the enrolment process please contact:
Pastoral Associate - Children's Sacraments (Tues, Wed, Thurs)
Our Lady of Dolours Parish 94 Archer St Chatswood 2067
Phone: (02) 9410 9033 Email: chatswood.sacraments@bbcatholic.org.au