22.2.25 - Saturday SYDNEY PARK (6 months - 13 years) (SOLD OUT)

Welcome to our special Sydney Park weekend sessions!
Held on Saturday 26th October from 9:30 - 11:30. Bookings are essential as positions are limited.
Children will have opportunities to learn by using the many resources provided which can include clay, paint and tools. Not only will the children be invited to learn by the tools and man made resources, but the natural world itself. Fallen sticks can become cubby houses, pine needles can becomes blankets for babies, hollow logs can be a cave to explore, a bush track can be an endless adventure.
Before we begin, we will gather together in a circle to conduct our acknowledgement of country, we will then go through the resources, at which point your children are free to explore the space at their own pace. No pressure, no necessity to get everything done, just pure, child led learning.
This means that you may encounter; whittling, sawing, hammering, rope climbing, digging, puddle jumping, clay sculpting, storytelling, animal exploration, drawing with charcoal, relaxing beneath a tree, painting, potion making!
This is our aim, to give children the space, time and encouragement needed to learn.
Our sessions run in all weather so please dress appropriately on the day. We will only cancel in the event of severe storms, wind or severe fire danger.
We encourage you to bring unpackaged snacks so that our impact on the environment is minimal
Sydney Park
416 Sydney Park Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015
Contact Details