A paranormal sleep over like no other in one of Victoria's hidden ghost towns!Bealiba's historic Evans Hotel was built by Mr George Evans in 1857 in the midst of the areas Gold Rush era!
George has not left the hotel, and he certainly lets you know he is still there.
Who are the little girls that have been seen there and interact with the guests?
Are the maids still working there and sleeping in their rooms?
Is the Groomsman who died tragically by being burnt to death on the grounds still tending to the horses?
Who is the woman sometimes seen with a little girl and on her own?
Come stay the night in one of the 5 rooms where guests have all reported paranormal activity on their stay.
Enjoy a hot and cold buffet dinner before the 2.5-hour paranormal tour and investigation and a hot breakfast with toast and juice in the morning!
All tickets are for two people per room) including Buffet Dinner, Paranormal tour / investigation and breakfast.
13+ Tickets nonrefundable
Saturday 29 March 2025 - Saturday 31 May 2025 (UTC+11)Location
The Evans Hotel
38 , Main Street , Bealiba Victoria 3475