Deepening your work with Dreams and Body Experiences
Join us for a three hour experiential workshop where you will learn about Processwork Psychotherapy and its concept of the Dreambody.The workshop will combine introducing you to the Dreambody and the work of Arnold Mindell, Processwork Psychotherapy's founder with skills demonstrations and practice sessions in breakout rooms.
You will learn and practice highly applicable skills to work with both in your own life and in sessions with your clients.
During the session, attendees will:
- understand the Processwork concept of the Dreambody and how it was developed
- recognise how dreams and the. body both reveal our underlying dynamics
- practice 2 methods for accessing the wisdom of the dreambody
- gain skills and methods for working with their own and clients' dreams
- gain skills and methods for working with clients' body experiences
You will leave with insights and the ability to start using these methods in your work.
Thursday 22 May 2025 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (UTC+11)Location
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser