Freeform knitting and crochet workshop (SOLD OUT)

With Marg and LynnCome along and learn the basics of freeform, combining knitting, crochet and surface embellishment. Learn basic techniques of creating without a pattern or with many patterns and combining techniques to create a cohesive whole. Freeform can be used for many things. Beautiful bags, garments, blankets and sculptural art to name a few.
Bring along your own tools - knitting needles, crochet hooks, yarn needle, scissors and yarns although a selection of yarns for the workshop will be available.
Specialty yarns that you have been holding on to are particularly fun to work with.
Image: courtesy of Marg and Lynn
Wednesday 2 April 2025 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (UTC+11)Location
Glen Eira Town Hall Gallery
Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield VIC 3162