A Night to Remember
See the film that inspired James Cameron and his smash hit, Titanic!
A Night to Remember remains the clearest, most honourable cinematic depiction of the Titanic disaster.
Directed by Roy Ward Baker, the film is based on Walter Lord’s book of the same name and follows the events of the disaster in a chronological and detailed manner.
The film’s attention to historical accuracy and the use of real footage of the ship, makes it the definitive recreation of the night.
Arrive early (from 7pm) to see string duo, Rebecca Daniel and Trish McMeekin, play before the screening. They will be playing music that was popular at the time, and that was played on the Titanic. Including the first piece played after the iceberg was struck, and the final hymn that was heard by the survivors, before the ship went down.
Popular cocktails from the Edwardian period will be available for purchase on the night and dressing up will be met with delight and a free choc top!
A light supper will be available at the Victoria and Albert Guesthouse before the show. Call the V&A on 0459844345 to book or for more information.
For wheelchair accessible seats please contact the cinema direct.