ORCV Weather for Sailors Course
Weather for Sailors - Fundamentals & Coastal Sailing
Over 3 nights, this online and instructor led course covers the fundamentals plus planning for the weather on a 3+ day coastal passage including:
- Fundamentals of weather terminology.
- Definitions.
- The Barometer
- Vectors in sailing
- Seasons
- Coriolis
- Weather systems, Global mechanisms
- The forecasting process, the weather map,
- Weather information, how to read and use it.
- Fronts
- Weather Warnings
- Waves & Tides
- An introduction to Clouds and their signs.
- Gusts, lulls, and coriolis.
- Sea breezes-local- -autumn, winter, summer. Land breezes, katabatics.
- Obstructions
- Topography, land effects & Bathymmetry
- 4 & 7 day prognosis-maps
- Routing Software and forecasts
- Topography-sea breezes-land breezes-katabatics-timings, clouds-temperatures-airmasses
- Other land effects, headlands, indents, rivers, mountains, cliffs, islands, wind directions
- Thunderstorms etc
- Jet streams briefly
- Bathymetry, tides, currents,(and shallows) moon passage, tidal nodes, using port data
- Using ORCV Bass Strait tidal model
- Gribs
- Coastal tides & Currents
- Severe weather systems
- Sailing the tropics
Pre-requisites: All participants will be enrolled into the ORCV Online Learning module where you will be asked to complete the online learning content (approx 2 hours needed) prior to attending night 1.
$170 Non-member (plus booking fee)
$145 ORCV Member (plus booking fee)
Dates: 12, 17 and 19 June 2025 7-9pm
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser
Contact Details