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Women's Climate Congress Nurture Fund

Founded in early 2020 and motivated by the 2019–20 bushfires, the Women’s Climate Congress is a nonpartisan network of women from all walks of life and political persuasions. We are united by a commitment to to lead a unified plan to restore climate security by 2030 and to put nurture of life and care for the Earth at the centre of political decision making. The Women's Climate Congress (WCC) is a registered charity with ASIC and the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) and has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status. All donations above $2 to the Women’s Climate Congress Nurture Fund are tax deductible.

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Rationalist Society of Australia

The Rationalist Society of Australia (RSA) is the oldest freethought group in Australia, promoting reason since 1906. Members and supporters hold that all significant beliefs and actions should be based on reason and evidence, that the natural world is the only world there is, and that answers to the key questions of human existence are to be found only in that natural world. RSA is a non-profit organisation and relies on the subscriptions of members and donations from the general public to continue its work.

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Friends of the Sydney Mikvah Society 2020-2021

The Sydney Mikvah Society has enabled women to participate in the vital mitzvah of Mikvah since 1944. The vision and generosity of members of the community have kept the Sydney Mikvah operational for over 75 years. Your support will enable us to continue operating into the future as an essential community service, upholding the sanctity of the Jewish people. We invite the entire Jewish community to partner with us as Friends of the Sydney Mikvah Society, with an annual donation of $180 or above. Friends of the Mikvah Society whose annual donation is current enjoy discounted rates for Mikvah use.

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MTS Sensory Walk

The MTS Social & Fundraising Committee wants to raise $4000+ to implement a Sensory Walk in the school, which was suggested by the school community.  The Sensory Walk will be an activity that is accessible by all students and will be located in both indoor and outdoor areas. It is also something that can be scaled up over time if more funds are raised.  Sensory Walks have been shown to assist students in their focus, wellbeing, self regulation, core muscle strength, gross motor skills and academic outcomes as well as being great fun. Any donations towards this fundraising priority are greatly appreciated.

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Clarence Tunes Donations

Any donations we can get towards Clarence Tunes would be greatly appreciated. All of the profits from Clarence Tunes go towards the young musicians performing.

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Engage Australia

Help us fund the way forward so that our ministry events can remain free to attend and open to all. None of the team that organises Engage or the volunteers who contribute towards each event draw a wage, every dollar given goes back into funding the practical costs of ministry.

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Firbank ELC Teachers Gifts

Hello, Thank you for contributing to the ELC teachers gift funding pool. We will use this money for Birthdays, Easter, Teachers Day, maternity gift , Christmas andany other adhoc events that arise during the year. We have 2 x head teachers 2 x co educators and 4 additional assistants in the rooms over the 2/3/5 day program. We will share the gifts in the group chat before gifting to the teachers. If you are able to donate more to the pool that is always appreciated. Thank you Anna, Jo and Mandy.

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St Gregory's LAP-A-THON

To celebrate Family Week, St Gregory’s is holding a LAP-A-THON for all students on Monday 17th May 2021 between 9am and 11am. All levels (Junior, Middle and Senior) will complete laps of approximately 350m each at the school. The proceeds raised will be donated to Catholic Care to aid their programs which assist disadvantaged families and individuals experiencing poverty, homelessness, domestic violence or addiction issues.

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Yr 12 Music - Virtual Concert

The Year 12 Music students are performing live online to raise awareness and funds for the College's Term 2 Social Justice cause, the Vinnies Winter Blanket Appeal. We hope you have enjoyed the performance and would consider donating funds towards this incredibly worthy cause. Your donation will be added to the funds already raised at the College.

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