Artists in Tasmania: Ecology for Learning, Intergenerational Exchange & Reflection (ArTELIER) is an initiative that fosters interdisciplinary collaborations, peer review, playful enquiry and new approaches to co-creation with children and families.
stART @Salamanca Arts: LISTENING TIME with Catherine Morse
Between Tuesday 6 October 2020 and Tuesday 13 October 2020
Catherine is sharing with you the opportunity to experience some listening and sound making games, experimenting with making sounds using our bodies and responding to each other using objects and surfaces that surround us.
Salamanca Arts Centre
stART @Salamanca Arts: SMALL STORIES with Leigh & Kirsty
Monday 12 October 2020
A Small Stories storytelling workshop online at home for young children (3-6 years) and their parents and caregivers. Come and join performers Leigh and Kirsty in an adventure you can experience in your own home as dining tables become landscapes in unknown places and you create your own puppet creatures to inhabit them. Families will be sent a video link and materials in the week prior to the workshop to create your puppet.
stART @Salamanca: RECIPE FOR A STORY with Bella & Emma
Monday 5 October 2020
Bella and Emma are sharing with you an introductory storytelling workshop in creative writing and theatre performance skills through learning the recipe to make a story while encouraging creative expression through physical, verbal and written means delivered in energetic and engaging ways.
Salamanca Arts Centre: Kellys\'s Garden
stART@ Salamanca Arts: WHO LIVES IN YOU with Luke Campbell
Monday 5 October 2020
Luke is sharing with you a workshop for children growing up with a disability and for children who are not growing up with a disability. Through movement, art and stories Luke will provide a framework and a language for talking about disability beyond the label.
Salamanca Arts Centre: Kelly's Garden
ZOOM LEARNING EXCHANGE: Why does your Art Matter?
Thursday 3 September 2020
In this Learning Exchange, our aim will be to develop a shared understanding of why we each make art the way we do, to appreciate the meanings of our practices to ourselves and others, and discuss the role of art in our evermore uncertain world.
ZOOM LEARNING EXCHANGE: Building resilience with Sunita Bala
Thursday 20 August 2020
How do we build resilience. Sunita Bala is a Lismore based artist who specialises in inclusive practices that inspire the community to use the arts to engage in innovation, critical thinking and advocacy.
ZOOM SATELLITE session: Building resilience with Sunita Bala
Kate Gorring-Smith is our key provocateur for the Overwintering Project at Burnie Art gallery December 2020.
Lindall Kidd to also speak about the Migratory Shorebird Program at BirdLife Australia. Lindall is doing her PhD at RMIT's Interdisciplinary Conservation Science Research Group, investigating communication strategies to engage people in biodiversity conservation. Her research is funded by the National Environmental Science Program’s Threatened Species Recovery Hub.
Thursday 6 August 2020
Kate Gorring-Smith is our key provocateur for this session about how artists can engage in environmental projects using their practice. She will be describing the the Overwintering Project which will be on view at Burnie Regional Art Gallery in December 2020.
SATELLITE session: Producing and programming for children
Wednesday 29 July 2020
Alex Desebrock is offering her experience and knowledge in the area of producing and programming for children and families. How do you curate a season of events? How do you recruit artists? What should the publicity look like and how do you gert the word out? How can you scaffold artists in those sessions sd then offer constructive feedback afterwards? All these questions and more will be discussed at this Satellite session for ArTELIER artists.
ArTELIER stART@home: OYSTER SONGS with Sarah Jane Moore
Tuesday 28 July 2020
ArTELIER Artists are exploring online platforms to facilitate and nurture continued connectivity of the creative process between Artists, Children and families during this time of COVID19.
Sarah Jane is sharing @home with you the opportunity to engage with her as an artist, co-creating eco-friendly art honouring the Oyster, the essential role it plays in the health of our Sea Country and wellbeing of our communities -requires you to eat 6-12 oysters, wash the shells & bring along
Wednesday 22 July 2020
ArtPlay in Melbourne offers a creative and meaningful program for children and families through engaging professional artists. Artplay supports artists’ practice through program opportunities and an artist learning program . This Learning Exchange will be a process where we can share practice with Melbourne artists who work with children and young people, so that artists share their work on both sides of Bass Strait. We will also consider how organisations, networks and peers can support and
ArTELIER stART@home: Dance On Deck with Robin Godfrey
Between Monday 13 July 2020 and Friday 17 July 2020
ArTELIER Artists are exploring online platforms to facilitate and nurture continued connectivity of the creative process between Artists, Children and families during this time of COVID19.
Robin is sharing @home with you a boat themed dance that can be performed in a chair or for the more robust dancer, on and off the lounge room floor -All ages
ZOOM LEARNING EXCHANGE: Beggar Elites with Arnie Aprill
Thursday 9 July 2020
How do we as artists engaged in communities move into more powerful positions in making key decisions about those communities. So oft artists are at the end of the line - how do we move up that line…
ArTELIER stART@home: BLANK CANVAS with Mostafa Faraji
Wednesday 8 July 2020
ArTELIER Artists are exploring online platforms to facilitate and nurture continued connectivity of the creative process between Artists, Children and families during this time of COVID19.
Mostafa is sharing with you @home his 'joy of drawing & painting' experience for young people (16+) requiring your own oil painting & large surface to paint on or charcoal drawing materials & paper .
ZOOM LEARNING EXCHANGE: Learning from learning
Thursday 25 June 2020
The Art of Mangling
‘Action research’, ‘reflective practice’, ‘researcher-practitioner’ – these are all terms that refer to processes that educators or teaching artists might engage in when they are ‘learning from learning’. They honour the everyday researcher in us all, as we engage in understanding, deepening and evaluating our practices.
But these terms still speak to something of a binary (even if they’re trying to meld that binary, yes?).
Think of it: action/research, reflection/pr
Tuesday 9 June 2020
ZOOM gathering on the role of artists in communities - how can they contribute to their and their communities’ sense of place.
Mick Lowenstein will lead the session discussing the project Huon Beings.Huon Beings is a documentary series that captures the diverse stories of life among people living in the Huon Valley.
All That We Are is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
ZOOM LEARNING EXCHANGE: trauma, loss and uncertainty
Monday 18 May 2020
ZOOM LEARNING EXCHANGE: Developing your creative practice to manage trauma, loss and uncertainty
Thursday 30 April 2020
Personal and Public:: Integrating a creative Life
In practices that are both personally and publicly engaged, how do we integrate experiences and learnings from both worlds into a professional self? How do we allow one world to activate and strengthen the other? What happens if we experience great stress in our public or personal lives? How do we find balance and meaning from these experiences? What professional lessons are here for us?
Please BOOK this session - so we know you are attending.
Cut and paste the ZOOM link below to join the session - it's also in the venue details on your ticket!
A Zoom session exploring ways of working with participants on-line. Presentations by Sherie and Kelly with a provocation by Julie Forrester from Ireland.
Topic: Developing on-line creative engagements
Time: Apr 16, 2020 09:00 AM Hobart
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 352 140 593
ArTELIER Learning Exchange: Being & Belonging
Wed 8th April 10.00 - 1.00pm
With Ruth Langford on-line using Zoom
Please BOOK this session - so we know you are attending.
Cut and paste the ZOOM link below to join the session - it's also in the venue details on your ticket!
*How do we effectively work in partnership with other organisations, sectors and people?
*How can we include and develop partnerships to promote and support the arts with children and young people?
*How can we actively reflect, develop and report on our practice to non-arts partners in a way that supports and furthers relationships?
Curated by: Leigh Tesch
Kickstart Arts
ArTELIER Learning Exchange 4: Working with Diversity
Tuesday 29 October 2019
*Working with diverse communities, individuals and diverse artists
*Inclusivity and otherness - expanding the value of the Arts
*Linking with Burnie based Arts organisations
Curated by: Lucien Simon & Bella Young
Burnie Regional Art Gallery
ArTELIER Learning Exchange 3: The Childs Voice and Agency
Thursday 26 September 2019
*The Six A's: Authenticity, Agency, Aesthetics, Awareness, Audience and Advocacy
*Link with B4 Art Exhibition, Early Years Forum and visiting Barbara Piscitelli as Provocateur
Curated by: Victoria Ryle
The Tasmanian Musuem and Art Gallery: Learning & Discovery Centre
ArTELIER Learning Exchange 2: How do we decolonise practice?
Wednesday 28 August 2019
*How do we decolonise our arts practice?
*This learning exchange will be on country and led by Tasmanian aboriginal community members – more details available later.
Curated by Ruth Langford and Sinsa Mansell
The Long. House
ArTELIER Learning Exchange 1: Pedagogy
Wednesday 24 July 2019
*How we design sessions/creative encounters with children and young people?
*Scaffolding, reflections, nuts and bolts, values
*Practical example of work, linked with Goodstart Early Learning Claremont project with Victoria Ryle
Curated by: Simon Spain and Lesley Graham
Claremont TBC
ArTELIER Learning Exchange Launceston: A Collective Process
Friday 28 June 2019
*Introduction to ArTELIER
*Working together, enabling communication and active listening
*How do we work together as a collective? How does listening and collaboration inform our work with children and young people?
*Skills for Kids Cafe presentation
*Half day session available for all to attend with $125 stipend payment
*Stay for a shared lunch
Curated by: Joel Roberts & Sheree Martin
Launceston TBC
ArTELIER Learning Exchange Hobart: A Collective Process
Wednesday 26 June 2019
*Introduction to ArTELIER
*Working together, enabling communication and active listening with Dr Anna Alomes, Human Rights Philosopher, Communicator and Wanderer on Global Pathways
*How do we work together as a collective?
*How does listening and collaboration inform our work with children and young people?
*Half day session available for all to attend with payment of a $125 stipend
* Stay for a shared lunch
Curated by: Joel Roberts & Sheree Martin