RAAF's 65 Yrs of C-130 Hercules Ops ~ BOOKINGS CLOSED

FRIDAY, 8th September 2023 ~ The No. 37 Squadron (RAAF) Association will host an event at the Clarendon Tavern to celebrate the Air Force's 65 years of C-130 Hercules operations. Our association cordially invites C-130 A to J Aircrew, Maintenance personnel plus ANY support staff who have contributed to those 65 years of RAAF C-130 operations to attend.SATURDAY, 9th September ~ 37SQN is hosting a family day on base to celebrate the squadron's 80th Anniversary since formation. An invitation has been extended by the Commanding Officer, WGCDR Charlie Freebairn to attendees of the Friday function at the Clarendon Tavern to also attend the on base function on Saturday. See ticket options when booking your attendance at both or either function.
Raffle tickets and function memorabilia will be available on the day OR can be purchased on line with your booking, for pickup on function day.
Email raaf37sqnassoc@outlook.com for any additional information.
Clarendon Tavern
244 Hawksbury Way, Clarendon NSW 2756